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Harmonic Arts

Lion’s Mane Mushroom extract powder 45g

Regular price $34.99 CAD
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In Chinese folklore, Lion's Mane promotes nerves of steel and the memory of a lion. Monks and warriors alike used it to build concentration and focus

  • Focus
  • Memory
  • Nerve Support

.To effectively control moisture within the package the use of a desiccant is recommended. It is included in the finished good and should be kept with the product while stored, tightly closed when the product is not in use.


¼ tsp (1g) 1 time per day
Can be added to a hot beverage, smoothie, or oatmeal. Can also be used in soups, stocks and salad dressings.

Cautions and Warnings
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult a health care practitioner prior to use.


Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus
Fruiting Body Only
Hot Water Extraction ratio:7:1
Polysaccharides >30%

Cultivated on a fortified sawdust substrate, to ensure high polysaccharide content. Farmed in the densely forested foothills of Gutian, an area known as “The Ancient Mushroom Farm”.